Your works need to be original papers, basic research papers and, more particularly, applied research papers, essays, book reviews and interviews so as to strengthen the experienced and researchers’ sense of belonging to this community of practice, and enhance a most interactive cross-fertilization of ideas.
The assessment of the studies will take into account the following aspects: the perspective of the research; the novelty of the issue approached and its theoretical substantiation; the design of the research; the methodology of the research; the results obtained; the consistency and relevance of the discussions and of the interpretations; the consistency of the conclusions; the relevance and timeliness of the bibliography.
Requests for the original typewritten papers:
- Chapters or sections should be designated with arabic numerals and subsections with small letters.
- Page size: B5 (17 cm x 24 cm)
- Margins:
- up: 2 cm
- down: 2 cm
- left: 2 cm
- right: 2 cm
- Spacing: single
- Alignment:
- the body text: to the left and to the right
- the title of the article: alignment to the middle
- the titles of the paragraphs: alignment to the left with 1 cm
- Characters:
- the title of the article: TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 BOLD
- the names of the authors: TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 BOLD and bellow the title
- position, academic title, institutional affiliation, email address, corresponding author – TIMES NEW ROMAN 10 as Footnote
- the titles of the paragraphs: TIMES NEW ROMAN 11 BOLD
- the abstract (maximum length: 250 words) and keywords (3-5 key words): in ITALICS 11 and bellow the name(s)
- the main text: TIMES NEW ROMAN 11 with the paragraphs aligned with the first letter of the titles
- Tables and figures
- Tables and figures are numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals (separately for tables and figures)
- The number of the tables and their names will be placed above them, marked with Times New Roman, 11, Bold, Center. The possible source of the table will be indicated under the name of the table, on the next row, still centered. The sources cited in the table must be found in the bibliographic list. The text inside the tables must be Times New Roman, 10.
- The number of figures and their names will be noted below them, with Times New Roman, 11, Bold, Center. The specifications regarding the notation and determination of the cited sources and the characteristics of the text inside the figures are the same as in the case of the tables mentioned above.
- Paper length: 10 – 15 pages, in MS Word; book reviews, conference reports, reading notes: 2-4 pages.
- Language of the manuscript – We accept only papers in English or French.
- Instructions for noting the bibliographic references
- In the text
- The sources are quoted in parentheses, indicating the name of the author, the year of the publication and the page/ pages, if applicable (example: Slavin, 2015, p. 15).
- If the name of the author name appears in the text, it is not necessary to repeat it, but the year must follow immediately (example: … Slavin (2015, p. 15).
- In the case of several authors cited in parentheses, they must be separated by semicolon (example: Slavin, 2015; Woolfolk, 2013).
- For two or three authors, the notation will be done according to the model: Seifert, Sutton, 2009 (for two authors); Ormrod, Anderman, Anderman, 2019 (for three authors).
- For more than three authors, the name of the first author is mentioned and et al. (example: Eiserberg et al., 2017).
- If several books of the same author, from the same year, are cited they will be marked with a, b, c … etc., after the year of publication) (example: Piaget, 1974a, 1974b, 1974c).
- In the case of books with coordinator (s) or publisher (s), the name of the coordinator/ publisher and the year will be indicated; example: Adams, Berzonsky, (eds.), 2006.
- In the bibliographic list
- The bibliographic list must contain all the titles cited in the text, in the alphabetical order of the authors’ names.
- The titles will be numbered with Arabic numerals.
- To note the sources, use the recommendations:
- For a single-author book: Berk, L.E. (2007). Title of the book (6th edition). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- For books with 2 or 3 authors: Klebanov, M.S., Travis, A.D. (2014). Title of the book. New York: Routledge.
- For books with more than 3 authors, note the name of the first author and et al .: Eisenberg, E. B. et al. (2017). Title of the book. North Beauregard St. Alexandria: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.
- For a book with publishers: Hartman, H. (ed.). (2010). Metacognition in Learning and Instruction: Theory, Research and Practice/ Edition 1. Springer Netherlands.
- Organization as author: Association of Business Practitioners. (2010). Title of the book. Logde Lane Liverpool: British Business Professional Skills Development.
- Chapter in the book: Windlea, M., Windle, R.C. (2006). Title of the chapter, in G.R. Adams, M.D. Berzonsky. Title of the book. Maden USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 497-514.
- Journal article: Crocker, J., Brook, A. T., Niiya, Y., Villacorta, M. (2006). Title of the article. Title of the journal, 7(6), 1749-1772.
- Journal article available online: Title of the article. Title of the journal, 101(3), 607–619. Retrieved at: http: // www …………, [online, 28.11.2020].
- The titles will be mentioned in the original language.
- The locality and the publishing house must be translated into English.
- The sites must be mentioned at the end of the bibliographic list, numbered below.
For details see the template link.
Télécharger le modèle d’article
Manuscripts for publication, should be submitted to e-mail address: [email protected]
The deadline for submitting the papers:
You can send papers for publication in the Annals of the University of Craiova as follows:
- For the first issue, the deadline for sending the papers is June 15;
- For the second issue, the deadline for submitting the papers is 15 December.