About us

The Annals of the University of Craiova, the Psychology-Pedagogy series, is an international academic publication with interdisciplinary characteristics that aims to promote education and educational research, to provide an expression opportunity to all the experienced specialists in the field, but also to the young researchers, facilitating the exchange of ideas and interactions at the level of the scientific community.

Call for papers

We would like to invite you to submit your articles for publication in issue 47(1) of 2025, in
the Annals of the University of Craiova, Psychology-Pedagogy Series (ISSN 2668-6678, ISSN-L
1582-313X), published by the Teacher Training Department, University of Craiova, through the
Centre for Psychopedagogical Research (romanian acronym CCPP).

Call for papers

Appel a la contributions


The first issue of the magazine was published in 2001.

The journal accepts the following categories of studies:

  • Theoretical papers
  • Basic research papers
  • Applied research papers
  • Essays
  • Book reviews
  • Interviews

The works can approach different themes in the educational field: the initial and in-service teacher training; the development and innovation of the curriculum; the theory and practice of training; the theory and practice of the assessment; management and educational leadership; the management of the educational programs; the sociology of education; the psychology of education; university pedagogy; adult pedagogy; the history of pedagogy  and alternative pedagogies; comparative pedagogy; pedagogy of primary and pre-primary education; early education; the education of children with special educational needs; inclusive education; educational counselling; the psycho-pedagogy of learning; special didactics, etc.

Depending on the topic and its approach (theoretical, practical-experimental, essay, etc.), the journal proposes the following sections:

Theoretical approaches – revisited and new perspectives; Educational practice – new perspectives; Research laboratory; History of pedagogy; Comparative pedagogy; Computer-assisted teaching and Varia.

Aim and scope

Analele Universității din Craiova, seria Psihologie-Pedagogie aims to publish original research articles and review articles in the field of education sciences and psychology, in some important areas: pre-service and in-service teacher training; theory and practice of training; theory and practice of the assessment; management and educational leadership; management of the educational programs; sociology of education; psychology of education; university pedagogy; adult pedagogy; history of pedagogy and alternative pedagogies; comparative pedagogy; education of children with special educational needs; inclusive education; educational counselling; special didactics etc.

The first issue of the Journal was published in 1998, under the title Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Filosofie-sociologie-psihologie-pedagogie. In 2001, the title was changed in Analele Universității din Craiova, seria Psihologie-Pedagogie. Journal is published constantly starting this year.

The International Scientific Committee of the journal is formed by members not only from Romania, but also from other countries (France, Irland, Greece, Canada, Belgium, Albania, Serbia, Republic of Moldova). The members are prestigious researchers in the field of education sciences, from important universities and scientific research institutes.

Ussualy, each issue of the journal has a different topic, wich is a real and interesting theme.

Analele Universității din Craiova, seria Psihologie-Pedagogie is published by Universitaria Publishing House.

The journal does not have article processing and submission charges (APCs).


Teacher Training Department, University of Craiova, 13, Al. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, Dolj, Postal code 200585, Romania, Telephone (040)251422567

Email: [email protected]

Current issue:

Analele Universității din Craiova, seria Psihologie-Pedagogie

Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Psychology- Pedagogy

No 46, issue 2/2024

Publication date: December 30 2024

1Sandra CADIOUPistes pour une didactique en olfaction9-18
2Diana ANTOCI,


The theoretical model of pedagogical action research in the configuration of the current significance assigned to action research19-34
3Naoual AOUALIReprésentations des étudiants universitaires vis-à-vis de l’évaluation à distance en Algérie35-48
4Jacques Balthasar GEORGESLe passage automatique comme solution pédagogique satisfaisante : une exploration49-62
5Kremena MINEVAReligiosity and meaning in life as factors associated with resilience and perceived stress in health sciences students63-76
6Aouda MAZOTLe e-learning au Département de langue et littérature françaises de l’Université de Mascara pendant la crise sanitaire de COVID-19 : étude quantitative77-91
7Marieta NEAGU,


Development of research/investigation competence in primary school students: methodological approaches and didactic strategies92-106
8Sabrina BAGHDADIRéécriture et numérique : une expérience pédagogique novatrice107-118
9Florentina MOGONEA, Florentin-Remus MOGONEALa résolution des problèmes — condition du développement de l’autonomie et de la flexibilité dans l’apprentissage119-132


Les interactions en classe du FLE au Maroc : vers une prise de conscience de la multimodalité pour l’optimisation de l’agir professoral133-147
11Samia Ilhem NOUADRIThe multilingual brain: unveiling cognitive and neural dynamics in language learning148-161
12Khanyisile TWABUUnveiling power dynamics in AI-enabled education: a foucauldian perspective162-176
13Djedda TAKOUACHET, Mohammed NAOUAEvaluating the content validity of the algerian english baccalaureate examination177-187
14Vali ILIEThe impact of feedback on students’ academic performance188-201
15Georgiana STOICA (BOLTAȘU),


The comparative analysis of early education curriculum in the Republic of Moldova and Romania regarding research activities in the context of environmental education202-212
16Svetlana TOLSTAIACharacteristics of spousal intimacy with different degrees of satisfaction in marriage213-226
17Fatima Zahra BOUTHIBALa biographie langagière comme miroir des représentations sociales : cas des étudiants arabophones227-240
18Ala Eddine BAKHOUCHAnalyse psychopédagogique et méthodologique de la formation professionnelle continue : vers une optimisation des pratiques didactiques en sciences de l’éducation241-255
19Foluke Nike BOLU-STEVE, Rasaq Abimbola FADIPERelationship between academic stress and depression among students of federal universities in South-West Nigeria256-270
20Florentin-Remus MOGONEAThe impact of virtual reality, based on collaboration and cooperation, on the learning and education of youth271-284
21Naima SAHLI,


A systematic review of empirical studies on the impact of artificial intelligence on university students’ writing skills285-297
22Amalia-Raluca STEPAN, Alina CHIRACU, Germina- Alina COSMACareer expectation differences between social sciences and physical education students298-311
23Mihaela Aurelia ŞTEFANOnline platforms – impact and importance in student learning312-323